Lana Del Rey - Ride

This video was actually one of the hardest shoots I have done.  We shot in the middle of summer outside of Vegas and all around Vegas.  It was about 125 degrees for most of the week we were there.  We scouted seedy motels, bad lounge act spaces and cast for days.  The film eventually was screened at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica so it was pretty amazing to see something I produced on the big screen for the first time ever with my name as producer in the credits.  It also was number 6 in the Rolling Stone list of top 10 videos of the 2000's.  So, I guess all the sweating was worth it?!?? 

This swing was actually amazing from a 120 foot construction crane

This swing was actually amazing from a 120 foot construction crane

These guys rode their bikes from Chicago to be in the video.

These guys rode their bikes from Chicago to be in the video.

We shot at an Indian Reservation that sold fireworks and didn't require permits!!

We shot at an Indian Reservation that sold fireworks and didn't require permits!!

Heather Heller